Our CLASSIC GAME is made up of 54 cards (including Jokers) and is best played among colleagues, friends or as a family. The range of potential games is huge, so here is a selection of our favourite games and their rules:
Number of players and cards: 2 players, 54 cards (including Jokers).
Game objective: win all of the cards.
Game preparation: deal the whole pack of cards.
Card order: the cards go from 2 to Joker. The Joker is the highest card.
Game rules: each player plays with their pack of cards face down in front of them and turns over the card at the top of their pack. This card must be placed face up in the game area. The player who turned over the highest card wins the round. The winner places both cards at the bottom of their pack. If both players play a card of same value, battle commences! Each player places a card face down on the card played previously, followed by a card face up. The player with the highest face-up card wins the six cards that were played. There can be a double battle if the cards are equal again.
Number of players and cards: 2 players or more, 52 cards (without Jokers).
Game objective: to be the first to get rid of their pack of cards.
Game preparation: distribute the cards one by one, dealing 7 cards to each player.
Game rules: the player on the dealer’s left starts the round by placing a card face up in the middle of the game area and announces the suit of their card (clubs, hearts, diamonds, or spades). The next player then places a card, this time face down, and announces the same suite as the one announced first. Each player does the same. When a player doubts that the card that has just been played is from the suit announced, they must say “liar” out loud. The player accused of lying must then turn over their card they just played. If the suit is the same as the one announced, the accuser must take all the cards that have been played. If, however, the suit is not the same as the one announced, the liar must take all the cards that have been played. The player who has picked up the pile starts playing by placing a new card face up that must belong to a different suit than the one just played.
- One player can play several cards at once.
- Only the person who just played their card can be accused of being a “liar”. You cannot accuse someone whose card has already been covered by another.
Number of players and cards: 4 players or more. 52 cards (without Jokers).
Game objective: to be the first to get rid of their pack of cards.
Game preparation: deal the whole pack of cards.
Card order: the cards go from 3 to 2. 2 is the highest card and is a special card.
Game rules: the player on the left of the dealer starts the round by playing 1 to 4 cards of same value. The next players must play cards of higher value using the same number of cards, or a higher number. If the player cannot play a higher value or doesn’t have the required number of cards, they must miss a turn. When nobody can or wants to play the current round, the pile is taken away and the last player to have played must start a new round.
- 2 is a special card that allows the player who has it to put a stop to the ongoing round by taking the cards away. The player who played it can then start a new round. However, two 2 cards will be needed when the number of cards played reaches three cards and three 2 cards when the number of cards reaches four cards. This card cannot be played by the players to end their round!
- According to the victory order, a specific title is given: the first to have finished the round is called “President”, the second is called “Vice-President”, the third is called “Vice Arsehole” and the fourth “Arsehole”. If you are playing with more than four players, the players in the middle are called “neutrals” or “citizens”. In the next round, the arsehole will give their two best cards to the President before starting. The President will, in exchange, give them two cards of their choice. Same goes for the Vices who will exchange only one card. The Citizens neither give nor receive any cards. These titles are revised at the end of each round according to the victory order.
- The arsehole will always be the one to start a new round to give them a chance to get rid of their weakest cards.
Our MEMORY CARD GAME has 3 levels of difficulty for both children and adults to enjoy:
Beginner: this level is to be played with the first 30 cards. Use the divider with the same name that goes from card No. 55 to card No. 84. It’s the perfect level to start with!
Intermediate: this level is to be played by mixing the cards from the “beginner” divider with the ones from the “intermediate” divider. In this level, your pack contains a total of 72 cards, from card No. 55 to card No. 126!
Advanced: use our 114 cards in the game for maximum challenge potential! Gather the three dividers from card No. 55 to card No. 168 and put your memory to the test. This level is for the brave and those with a competitive streak!
Number of players: 2 players or more (can be played in teams).
Game objective: each card has a double. The goal is to collect as many pairs as possible by using your memory. Their locations will become apparent over the course of the game. The person or team with the better memory will win the round.
Game preparation: spread the whole pack face down on a clean and good-sized surface.
Game rules: the player who places the cards starts the round by turning over two cards. If they don’t make a pair, they turn the cards over again, placing them back where they were, and gives up their turn. If, however, they make a pair, they win the round and can turn over another two. This player can keep going as long as they keep finding pairs.